Regarding measures to prevent infectionof the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Regarding measures to prevent infection of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19),
we have taken the new preventive measures to protect the safety and security of our guests and employees.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your kind understanding.

  • Requests for our guests
    ・Please wear masks in the hotel building (except in the guest room). We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation.
  • Front desk
    ・Clear protective barriers are placed at the front desk to prevent droplet infection.
    ・Simplified check-in process to avoid three Cs (closed spaces, crowding, close contact). We'll give Information about the island and suggestions/arrangements of leisure plans are provided individually upon request.
    ・We thoroughly manage and train our employees to do hygiene control such as washing hands,gargling, and wearing masks to ensure the safety and security of our guests.
    ・We have stopped offering newspapers or magazines at the lobby floor to prevent infection.
    ・We will disinfect and sterilize high-touch points regularly such as sofa, table and counter desk.
    Bottles of hand sanitizer are placed at the hotel entrance.
  • Guest rooms
    ・We will thoroughly disinfect guest rooms and bathrooms.
    ・When cleaning guest rooms, windows will be opened to ventilate the air inside the room.
  • Restaurant
    ・Bottles of hand sanitizer are placed at the entrance of restaurant.
    ・We thoroughly manage and train our employees to do hygiene control such as washing hands,gargling, and wearing masks to ensure the safety and security of our guests.
    ・To maintain social distancing and avoid three Cs (closed spaces, crowding, close contact), we offer the limited seating.
    We will disinfect and sterilize high-touch points regularly such as tables and chairs.

If you are feeling unwell before travel, please let us know.
There is no cancellation charge.

Yorontou Village

2904-6 Chabana, Oshima-gun Yoron-cho 891-9301, Kagoshima Prefecture